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NOT Gate and truth table .

NOT Gate

All digital logic circuits are based on three primary logic gates: NOT, AND, and OR gates. Any logic
functionality can be achieved by these three primary logic functions. Typically, digital circuits work on the principle of binary logic where there are only two logic values: logic 1 and logic 0. In positive logic, logic 1 is represented by a high-voltage level and logic 0 is represented by a low-voltage level, whereas, in negative logic, logic 1 is represented by a low-voltage level and logic 0 is represented by a high-voltage level. In this book, we shall use positive logic  unless stated otherwise

NOT Gate

A NOT gate has one input and one output. The symbol of NOT gate is

Symbol of NOT gate

The output (Y ) of NOT gate is the complement of the input (A). The Boolean expression of a NOT gate is  described as follows:

The truth table of NOT gate is

The NOT gate is also known as inverter .

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